TWTM活動快報  2018.09.17發行

International Patent/Technology Matching Conference


Local and international research institutes and professional service providers are invited to present their internationally patented technologies in this year’s Taiwan Innotech Expo, offering a range of tradable patents and technologies. It is expected to spur business opportunities for related enterprises through this event. We cordially invite experts and scholars from the industry, academic and research institutes to enroll in the conference and share their opinions, and look forward to the consummation of further cooperation.

  • 本商談會費用:免費
  1. 日 期:2018年9月28日 (五) 下午01:30-04:30
    Date: Friday, Sep 28, 2018, 01:30 pm ~04:30 pm

  2. 地 點:臺北世貿展覽一館2樓第3會議室
    Venue: Conference Room 3, 2F, Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1

  3. 主辦單位:經濟部工業局
    Host: Industrial Development Bureau (IDB), Ministry of Economic Affairs

  4. 執行單位:財團法人工業技術研究院(工研院)
    Organizer: Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)

  5. 協辦單位:創智智權管理顧問股份有限公司(創智公司)
    Co-organizer: Intellectual Property Innovation Corporation (IPIC)


時間 Time 主題 Topic 主講人/ 發表單位 Speaker/ Presenter
13:30~14:00 Registration 報到 --
14:00~14:05 Opening Remarks 主辦單位致詞 Technology Transfer and Law Center (TTLC), ITRI
14:05~14:15 Technology for Novel and Original Functional Metallic Coatings Using PVD ARC Method.
利用PVD ARC(物理氣相沉積-電弧)法製備新型及原創功能性金屬塗層的技術
Gorchakov, Konstantin, CEO, Kraftonweg Oy
14:15~14:25 New kind of bio-fermenter making biogas from various bio-wastes and burning it with micro-turbine
Ahti Loivunen, Chairman, Fimuskraft Oy, Ltd
14:25~14:35 1. Air Quest – World’s First Remotely Piloted Vehicle With 2000 Kilo Payload
Air Quest - 世界首款具有兩頓載重量的遙控駕駛汽車
2. Decentralized Water Source Development Based on Virtual Prospecting Solution
Mr. Akash Bhavsar, Co-founder & Director, WaterQuest HydroResources Management (I) Pvt. Ltd.
14:35~14:45 With TAG La, Nothing is Lost.
有了TAG La,沒有什麼東西會遺失
Edison, CEO, TAG La Technology Sdn Bhd
14:45~14:55 Nanores – nano-polished diamonds, micro X-ray source and innovative technologies incubator
Piotr Kunicki, Project Engineer, Nanores
14:55~15:05 Virus-based Air Chemical Sensor
Ray Chiu, Co-founder and CEO, BioInspira
15:05~15:15 Anti – HP pro (herb-extracted antacid)
Ta Thi Luong, Manager, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry
15:15~15:25 Technologies for Licensing from Europe
Dr. Peter Mogyorosi, CEO, LC Innoconsult (Laser Consult Kft.)
15:25~15:35 A novel method for human skin regeneration
Mr. Paul Field, Nik Georgopolous/Chris Dunnill, University of Huddersfield
15:35~15:45 Heat harvesting - Thermoelectric power generation in AIST
熱量收集 – AIST發展的熱電發電
Hiroyoshi Fujimoto, Technology Licensing Manager, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
15:45~15:55 1. Technology Licensing Business in Nissan -Best practice, Power Assist Device
2. Powerful arm
1. Osamu NIIKURA, General Manager, Technology Sales Department, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
2. KATO, Shuen, Sales Engineer, Sales Department, CKD Corporation
15:55~16:05 MAGNETEC JAPAN would like to collaborate with Taiwan technology
MAGNETEC JAPAN希望與台灣業者合作的技術
Takahiko Mozume, President, Magnetec Japan Ltd.
16:05~16:15 Development of Advanced Healthcare System Using IoT/AI/VR Technologies
利用IOT / AI / VR技術開發先進的醫療保健系統
Professor Dr. Keiichi Watanuki, Saitama University
16:15~16:30 Business matchmaking talks
IPIC (創智公司)

※ Note :
1. 活動進行方式:由新創公司與創投自由互動,並由新創公司在議程所定之時段,進行發表。
In the activity, the new ventures and VC interact with each other freely and the new ventures will present according to the agenda.
2. 本商談會使用語言為英文及中文。
The subject languages used in this conference are English and Chinese.
3. 主辦單位保留調整議程之權利。
The Organizer reserves the right to adjust the agenda.
4. 主辦單位可依要求安排一對一商談。
The one-on-one interviews could be arranged upon requests.


1. 線上報名:

2. 傳真或Email報名表:

活動名稱:9/28(五) 13:30~16:30國際專利技術媒合商談會
單位 姓名 職稱 電話 E-mail 地址
報名表請 傳真至03-5910109 或
聯絡人:03-5910108#116楊小姐 03-5910108#113謝經理

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